South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit

Promoting and Archiving the Historical foundations of the Service

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Pantech changes and website
Submitted On Saturday, May 18, 2024
Submitted By Pip

The Pantech continued to travel around the state to events, big and small. At times, members of the Promotions Unit team would travel with the Unit or collected by brigade members to utilise at their own events.

However, changes were afoot, with the founder and coordinator Nick leaving the Unit to pursue employment opportunities interstate.

A new coordinator - Steve - took over, assisted by several other CFS members from the Promotions team.

This was not the end of Nicks involvement. Nick was undertaking a training course overseas, and was a bit bored, so decided to put some of his skills in coding, into practice.

The result was the first internet version of the Promotions Unit website!

The website included details of brigades right across the state - something that did not exist anywhere else in Australia!!

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