South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit

Promoting and Archiving the Historical foundations of the Service


Mock crash exercise, Birdwood - September 2008
Mock crash exercise, Birdwood - September 2008     -     Photo: CFS Promotions Unit

Welcome to the
South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS) Promotions Unit
History Section
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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The collected history of the SA Country Fire Service

Logo of the VFBA Official CFS Insignia - The Fire Service Star This part of the website has been added to the Promotions Unit Website, to display a history of each brigade which has existed within the Service, and to show what the brigades had in the way of equipment, trucks and stations and members who made up these brigades.

The Website Administrators - Pip & Ashley, who are both CFS volunteers, run this site, with input from other CFS members and the public from all over the state. The information on this website has been collated from snippets collected during our search, and we would appreciate feedback, updated or new information, and photographs from the collections.

Any photographs or items passed on to the Unit will be returned in a timely manner, with all references to the ownership of the item noted and displayed. Copyright remains with the original photographer, and is also noted.

Pip & Ashley
Administrators, CFS Promotions Unit Website