South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit

Promoting and Archiving the Historical foundations of the Service

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Promotions Unit Photos - 1995 /1996
Submitted On Friday, May 17, 2024
Submitted By Pip

As the Promotions Unit started gaining momentum, more people joined the core group of volunteers who operated the unit. Some had specialist skills and interests, and others wanted to contribute in their own ways. Specialist groups were evolving within the Promotions Unit core to provide and focused support role to the Promotions Unit and the CFS as a whole. This evolution started with the Photographic Section.

Late 1995 saw the formal commencement of the Promotions Units Photographic Section. Amateur photographers Greg and Roy helped the Promotions Unit by taking a series of photos for the Promotions Unit at various displays and training events. After a few short months, they had amassed several hundred photographs of all facets of the CFS.

This culminated in a photo shoot in May 1996 at Victoria Park, with 38 appliances and multiple crews attending.

Members of the CFS board, CFS Chief Allan Ferris, Minister for Emergency Services, the Hon Wayne Matthew, Minister for Emergency Services and Volunteer Fire Brigades Association (VFBA) executive attended.

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