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New Promotions Car 1 - 2020
Submitted On
Friday, May 31, 2024
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In August 2019, our Toyota Landcruiser based Promotions Car 1 suffered mechanical issues, and was sent to salvage.
In February 2020, CFS HQ issued us with a replacement - a 2011 Mitsubishi Pajero, formerly Mt Remarkable Car 1.
This was a badged command car and was fitted with a GRN radio.
As with previous vehicles, it allowed us to travel to incidents, activities, or just to other areas of the state, to take photos of stations (and whatever else we could find.)
By 2020, we were receiving photos from many CFS members across the state - which allows us to show the public and other CFS members what CFS crews around the state get up to.
This is particularly helpful as we didnt get the opportunities to roam around the state taking photos quite like we used to!
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